terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2013

Scoutmaster: How good is returning home after a camping

The Scouts leaders from around the world

I know few will admit that lead scolding mistress.

I really just do not pick the times, run over because she and I have a shielded room.

But the fact is that you come home in a miserable condition, stinking mixed with repellent and sunscreen often have water and smoke adds that smell of wet dog, sand and leaf falls hard for greasy hair and moldy sweat the hat.

Deodorant that does not have to save you.

Have land in the elbow, shirt, pants and shoes seem emerging from hog pen.

Guy will not mind, do not say that your sweetheart is not crazy when you come home from the bush, all happy to see her after about three days of field with rain!

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