sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013

Partnerschaft zwischen Google und SAP - Asociación entre Google y SAP

Ich glaube, dass, wenn diese Technologie verfügbar ist, werden wir sicherlich eine Gehirnerschütterung in den Arbeitsmarkt, als ob jeden Moment der Krise ist auch ein Moment der Gelegenheit wird das Schütteln helfen schaffen viele Stellen in Systemanpassung.

So hat SAP die soziale Pflicht zur Vorbereitung der Bevölkerung auf das System zu einem günstigen Preis an den Arbeitnehmer zu arbeiten.
Yo creo que cuando esta tecnología está disponible sin duda tenemos una conmoción cerebral en el mercado laboral, como si cada momento de crisis es también un momento de oportunidad, el temblor ayudará a crear muchos puestos de trabajo en la personalización del sistema.

Así que SAP tiene el deber social de preparar a las personas para que trabajen con el sistema a un bajo costo para el trabajador.

 Algunos comentarios sobre el tema

  Es tan eficaz que un día el trabajo chicos habrá paro.

Nada de lo humano sobre lo que otra manera de hacer que las empresas ricas más ricos mientras que la eliminación de puestos de trabajo y convertir a los humanos en robots.

 Some comments on the subject

 It is so efficient that one day the guys working there will be unemployed.

Nothing human about it just another way to make rich companies richer while removing jobs and turning humans into robots.

I was not aware that racking interfered with WIFI triangulation. As for tags, they do not need to be NFC, but simply 2D visuals. Again, the technology is rapidly evolving, and the solution can leverage multiple modes to identify position, even concurrently.

SAP partenariat et GOOGLE - SAP e Google Juntos

I believe that when this technology is available we will certainly have a concussion in the labor market, as though every moment of crisis is also a moment of opportunity, the shaking will help create many job openings in system customization.

So SAP has the social duty to prepare people to work with the system at a low cost to the worker.
Eu acredito que quando essa tecnologia estiver disponível certamente teremos um abalo no mercado de trabalho, porém como todo momento de crise, também é um momento de oportunidade, o abalo ajudará a criar várias vagas de trabalho na customização do sistema.

Por isso a SAP tem o DEVER SOCIAL de preparar as pessoas para trabalharem com o sistema a um baixo custo para o trabalhador.

 Alguns comentários sobre o assunto

 É tão eficiente que um dia os caras que trabalham lá vão estar desempregados. Nada de humano nisso apenas uma outra maneira de fazer as empresas ricas mais ricas, enquanto a remoção de empregos e transformando seres humanos em robôs.

 Some comments on the subject

 It is so efficient that one day the guys working there will be unemployed. Nothing human about it just another way to make rich companies richer while removing jobs and turning humans into robots.

I was not aware that racking interfered with WIFI triangulation. As for tags, they do not need to be NFC, but simply 2D visuals. Again, the technology is rapidly evolving, and the solution can leverage multiple modes to identify position, even concurrently.

Escotismo - Sinais de pista

Caminho a seguir

Caminho a evitar

Vire a direita

Vire a esquerda


Obstáculo a frente

Volte ao ponto de reunião

Espere aqui 10 minutos

Nos separamos, 2 foram para direita e 3 foram para esquerda

Acampamento nessa direção



Cruzar a ponte

Acelerar o passo

Água potável

Escalar nesta direção
Feito por Maurício Moises da Silva - Reg. UEB Nº 235.516-7

quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2013


Congressman Nathan Donadon (ex-PMDB-RO), condemned by the Supreme Court (Supreme Court) and imprisoned for two months, had kept his term on Wednesday (28) by the House of Representatives.

In a secret vote, 233 deputies voted in favor of his impeachment, 131 against and there were 41 abstentions. CASSA for him, it took 257 votes, which represents half of the total members plus one vote.

After the decision, the Speaker of the House, Henrique Eduardo Alves (PMDB-RN) determined the clearance Donadon of its functions and the convening of an alternate, who will be Amir Lando (PMDB-RO).


In the dead of night on Tuesday ( 10 ) , President of the Chamber of Deputies , Henrique Eduardo Alves ( PMDB - RN ) , honored , as was to be expected , their commitments with the caucus . Around 21h , he instituted the Special Committee that will examine the PEC 215 , which transfers the Executive proposal to Congress the prerogative to define the demarcation of indigenous lands .

Even after protests entitled to occupation of the plenary of the House by indigenous leaders , mobilizing social networks and the report submitted by the Working Group set up to try an agreement on the issue , which suggests the rejection of the proposal , the deputy still showed which holds the presidency of the House to give in to the vested interests of the latest installment of the national economy .

With the approval of the proposal to mend the Constitution , the power of the lobby rural caucus in Congress that will never be demarcate indigenous land in the country . Much of agribusiness , dominated by a group of large landowners with strong political influence , wants to turn all remaining forested land in more soy fields and cattle pasture . As if that were not enough thousands of acres of land cleared and abandoned that exist today .

The first session of the Commission is scheduled for September 18 . On occasion will be chosen the chair and rapporteur . Henrique Alves made ​​a call yesterday that " the committee does not become a battlefield ." But the battlefield was already installed when the caucus began attacks on traditional people with a package of legislative proposals that derive their rights guaranteed by law .

If the representatives of agribusiness leaving winners in this battle came as the Forest Code , are not only the Indians who will lose , but the Brazilian society . When it hurts to the Constitution aimed blows , it hurts democracy . And this concerns every one of us , ensuring our rights as citizens . Furthermore , the Brazilians will lose what remains of native forest in the country today has the highest biodiversity in the world . It is a destination no return .

If you are against this devastating scenario , the sign of the Zero Deforestation Law .

Bright (Austrália) - One of the best places to play - Een van die beste plekke om te speel

In Oceania, the glider is one of the modalities that more has been growing in popularity in recent years. In the town of Bright in the Australian city of Vitoria, paragliding is a challenge for even the most experienced pilots. Thus, the practice of paragliding in Bright is one of the most radical being held because the dry weather and heat that is felt in the region, enables the realization of a single flight and unmatched.

In Oseanië, die vliegtuig is een van die modaliteite wat meer is groei in gewildheid in die afgelope jaar. In die dorp van Bright in die Australiese stad van Vitoria, paragliding is 'n uitdaging vir selfs die mees ervare vlieëniers. Dus, die praktyk van paragliding in Bright is een van die mees radikale gehou word omdat die droë weer en hitte wat in die streek gevoel word, in staat stel om die verwesenliking van 'n enkele vlug en ongeëwenaard.

Bassano (Itália) - Uno dei posti migliori per praticare il parapendio

Per tutti gli amanti del volo libero, come il parapendio e deltaplano, Bassano del Grappa è un sito storico e mosto.

Questa città si trova nella provincia di Vicenza e il Monte Grappa è il più grande ex-libris della città.

In cima al Monte Grappa ha costruito un enorme mausoleo per più di 25.000 soldati che hanno perso la vita per difendere la regione durante la prima guerra mondiale.

Oltre ad essere un luogo ricco di storia, offre una vista privilegiata sul mare Adriatico e le montagne delle Alpi centrali.

Da qui la ragione di essere il favorito per tutti gli appassionati di sport d'avventura, come il parapendio.

Annecy (França) - Un des meilleurs endroits pour pratiquer le parapente

Parapente émergé en France dans les années 70, en particulier à Mieussy, une région qui se trouve dans les Alpes françaises.

Depuis lors, de nombreuses villes françaises ont été connectés à l'aile et font de ce sport d'aventure est votre carte de visite de cartes. C'est le cas d'Annecy.

Cette localité est considérée comme l'un des meilleurs dans le respect parapente, car il offre à ses pilotes de plus de 80 domaines de vol et est une région qui a plusieurs vol thermique.

Aussi, Annecy est un lieu unique, grâce à la beauté de ses montagnes et le lac qui traverse.

Elle est considérée comme une ville de culte pour tous les pilotes de parapente, d'où la raison d'être si bien connu dans le monde entier.


Let your routine life behind - Australia has vast deserts, snow-capped mountains, a coastal strip cut by the sea and ancient rainforests where you will feel alive.

Go Harley from Sydney to Melbourne or helicopter flies over the snowy slopes of Victoria. See the Simpson Desert on a camel or soar in a balloon Canberra.

Take a walk along the Great Ocean Walk along the wild Southern Ocean or squeeze up by limestone caves in Margaret River.

Walk, cycle, ride or fly a hang glider. Go down a mountain with only an intense concentration and a thick rope. In Australia, there is no excuse not to get involved.

Tie your hiking boots and gather all your energy. This difficult long distance footpath follows the Australian Alps crossing three states and four national parks. It covers 65 km, from Walhalla in Victoria to Tharwa just south of Canberra. Climb up and down the Baw Baw plateau and the Bogong High Plains in Victoria Pains. Go through the craggy peaks of the Kosciuszko National Park and the rocky Namadgi National Park, near Canberra. Camp out in nature or in camps, cabins or historic alpine resorts near the trail. Make tracks daily or combine shorter sections. The complete walk takes 50-60 days and is strictly for intrepid travelers.
Float in the air as if dreaming in a tandem flight hang gliding or paragliding in Canungra, in the lush Gold Coast hinterland. This is one of the most desirable places in Australia for jumps, is good for its mountains for takeoff or for its fantastic scenery. In a 20-minute flight, you can dip the skyscrapers and sparkling beaches of the Gold Coast, the Gondwanan rainforests, the Great Dividing Range, Border Ranges and Brisbane. With 914 meters tall and 305 meters above the Mt Tamborine, the experience is amazing.
A short distance south of the Margaret River wineries, caves have Leeuwin-Naturalist - a network of ancient limestone caves underground. Although most tourists visit the caves on public walkways special, there are companies that specialize in caves for those seeking a greater challenge. Abseil down the forest in unexplored caves accessible only by rope.Or put a helmet and a flashlight in the head and squeeze in through the narrow tunnels and caves. People who venture through the cave Calgardup, known as Rebirthing Channel, deserve awards for bravery!
It is a walk of an hour and a half to the top of the Hazard Ranges, but you will be rewarded with spectacular views of Wineglass Bay, where the mountains are dark pink, blue-green sea and white sands. This irregular ridge is also a great place for climbing and rappelling from the great walls of Main and Flowstone Walls, even small and scattered rocks. If you want an even greater challenge, head to the seaside cliff of granite near Bluewater Bay, only accessible by vehicle with four-wheel drive. Here there is a camp for climbers near the gray cliffs and steep Whitewater Wall and Lassies Wall.

Lot in his saddle and enjoy the scent of the Australian outback on a horseback adventure at Megalong Valley, part of the Blue Mountains, considered a World Heritage Site. With over 2,000 acres of trails and horses for every level of skill and confidence, you can set your own pace with a short leash or in a more relaxed pique. Take a scenic two-hour hike through mountain ranges of the valley, attend a half-day tour to Cox's River or take a night tour by beautiful nature of the region. To be a true man of the woods, spend a week in school for apprentices Valley farmer, learn to command where cattle, sheep shearing and use the whip.


SHTF School: Keep the people fed and entertained - survivalism

Translator's note: For those who do not know, the blog SHTF School recounts the experiences and thoughts of a survivor of the Balkan War, who spent a year living in a besieged city where there were no laws, or any food resource.

I also ask you to realize how much the text below fits the current scenario of our country and please share this text in their social networks and the like so we can warn more people about what can bring us down soon.

People who are in movement preparation and survival in the world and the internet are doing several things to prepare for possible crises.

Numerous blogs and forums out there, all trying to figure out where the @! @ # Will hit the fan and how the scenario will be. My wartime was the worst possible scenario and imagine that few people will face something so bad even when there is complete breakdown of law (at least you will not have snipers and shelling behave if their government).

The question of a million dollars is : " How the collapse will look like and when it will start ? "

Unlike what many think , the crisis did not start overnight unless there is an error or if the government grotesque nature getting revenge on us. I believe that the government and corporations just turn the lights off so slowly . Deliver lanterns for people to see in a small area around but did not see the entire scenario .

When you put people in misery slowly they think is normal , humans get used to everything around them if they have time for it . Take the air to breathe and leave just enough to keep you alive.

What I mean is that the crisis has already started , hit us quietly and slowly is collapsing around us . Most people will only realize it when things blow up in their faces . Think about the following questions :

What is the status of your infrastructure site ?
And the crime in your area ?
Costs of gasoline, food and other utilities ?
How many of you have decent jobs and have not, what are the chances of getting one?
What about your health plan ?
There are more people dependent on the government today?
All that is asked getting better or worse over the years?
I saw a guy a few months ago. He was an alcoholic and homeless . Hygiene and way of life it was clearly at a low level .

After some time I saw that his foot began to turn gangrenous . I helped him a few times. He died later . He had no proper medical treatment , he had no social security , no money , no friends. He died on the street. Even after death he stood there in the street for a while before anyone realize that he was dead and not sleeping .

Now you can say that these things happen everywhere , and you're right , it happens around the world.

But I remember a time when this same guy would receive medical attention and be taken to an institution of government that would pay for your medical bills , food and everything else. That does not happen anymore . Normal people would care about this guy but now they stopped because the air is getting thinner for everyone . It's time to focus on yourself .

As this slow collapse look like?

The places where you live get smaller , you work more and earn less . You eat low quality food and have less time for other things . You expect less and less of the things around you . The quality of things get worse and worse. You can not expect to have a secure job or something . You get used to living worried.

Luckily there is entertainment like TV series , video games and the internet to enter the world of fantasy. This helps to escape the real world which is getting worse . You work , live in a crappy place , eat bad food and escapes to a place that entertains you and makes you forget the reality .

Why feel bad you enter more and more into the " comfort zone " and this place keeps getting smaller. All this leaves you feeling powerless , but do not worry . There are large organizations and their government to make you feel part of something , something bigger and stronger , you only need to pay to be part of it .

Slowly the forces in power do the normal man becomes weak . So weak that the revolution becomes a very distant idea . The life was sucked out of normal people even before they realize what happened .

The crisis has already begun , the @ ! # " # Has hit the fan for many but they do not know and may never know .

Wake up, go out and smell the real world, I bet if you smell it , you will be able to see if you have been looking for the right one .

My time at war , my crisis was so horrible ... But it was also a real experience . Wars are happening around the world , economies are falling , new forces are emerging ... And you can say that has happened before and will happen again . You will surely be right .

Do not think war is the only way to fight for survival . The forces in power are smart and do not need to rape anyone can be forcibly drugged them and have them do what they want .

This is simple common sense.

The question is how long can they let the masses drugged before they wake up and realize the abuse ?

This is what I see happening in the future. The forces in power keeps people drugged , fed and in the fantasy world ( entertained ) and they do not realize what is happening until one day they wake up .

This can not happen in our lifetime , and if it happens the masses will be too weak to do anything . Only if something goes wrong , the powers make a mistake or nature strikes , then yes we will have a complete chaos overnight .

Otherwise we will have a slow decline to the point of complete anarchy .

If you have been thinking of moving to the countryside to do it today, not tomorrow . If you have thought of forming a group of trainers in your area , do it today and not tomorrow .

Adapted from the blog SHTF School .

Le président du Brésil utilise la police pour transformer la forêt amazonienne dans le charbon

Le président du Brésil utilise la police pour transformer la forêt amazonienne dans le charbon






Réfléchissez à deux fois avant de publier NOUVELLES EN FACE AUX PERSONNES!

Je suis coincé avec GORGE de Shell pour les dommages causés sur notre planète BELLE.

Àï vous venez en postant ce sur mon visage SANS idiotie JE DEMANDE ....

QU'EST-CE QUE vous, vous utilisez des drogues?!?!?!?!?


The MAN when he sees someone with a cell phone or laptop new logo says: "Made in China" ... disparaging the product

China has the technology to build atomic bombs, ballistic missiles, ships, nuclear submarine, hunting 4 generation.

China develops technology and does not care for patents.

But Brazil is a large barn, sells cow, chicken, raw materials and natural resources, with very little relevance in the technology abroad, moreover, Brazil increasingly slave Monsanto and foreign logistics.

Boards to ordinary Americans is an American protest on Chinese goods, but Brazilian '.

The Party Dark delights, requires an arrow be sold for $ 2.5 to R $ 35 reais.

Know where it comes from ballistic steel we use in Brazil? China, because only this year got the technology to produce it in a non-craft.

It seems funny but is not, exalts American technology, to compare with Chinese products, is sorely lacking self esteem and absurd desire to jerk off the penis of others.

Savages with spears are pastors discussing the rifle of the conqueror.

Brasil contra China - 巴西vs中国

O cara quando vê alguém com um celular  ou laptop novo logo fala: "Feita na China"...desmerecendo o produto

A China tem tecnologia para construir bomba atômica, Mísseis balísticos, navios, submarino nuclear, caça de 4 geração.

A China desenvolve tecnologia e não está nem aí para patentes.

Mas o Brasil é um grande celeiro, vende vaca, frango, matéria prima e recursos naturais, com bem pouca relevância no cenário tecnológico estrangeiro, aliás, o Brasil cada vez mais escravo da Monsanto e de logística estrangeira. 

Nos fóruns americanos é até normal um americano protestar sobre produtos chineses, mas brasileiro?.

O Partido das Trevas se delicia, obriga uma flecha de 2,5 dólares ser vendida a R$35 reais.

Sabem de onde vem o aço balístico que usamos no Brasil? Da China, porque só este ano conseguimos a tecnologia pra produzi-lo de forma não artesanal. 

Parece piada mas não é, exalta-se tecnologia americana, para se comparar com produtos chineses, é muita falta de amor próprio e um desejo absurdo de se masturbar com o pênis dos outros. 

Somos pastores selvagens com lanças discutindo sobre o fuzil do conquistador.










TABELA DE COMPATIBILIDADE ENTRE TIPOS DE FIBRA ÓPTICAS E VELOCIDADES - Таблица совместимости между ВИДЫ волоконной оптики и скоростей

Transmission Standards100 Mb Ethernet1 Gb (1000 Mb) Ethernet10 Gb Ethernet40 Gb Ethernet100 Gb Ethernet
OM1 (62.5/125)up to 2000 meters (FX)[9]275 meters (SX)[9]33 meters (SR)[9]Not supportedNot supported
OM2 (50/125)up to 2000 meters (FX)[9]550 meters (SX)[2]82 meters (SR)[2]Not supportedNot supported
OM3 (50/125)up to 2000 meters (FX)550 meters (SX)300 meters (SR)[9]100 meters[2]
330 meters QSFP+ eSR4[10]
100 meters[2]
OM4 (50/125)up to 2000 meters (FX)1000 meters (SX)[2]550 meters (SR)[2]150 meters[2]
550 meters QSFP+ eSR4[10]
150 meters[2]

terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2013

Καταρρίχηση δραστηριότητα στην Mairinque, Σάο Πάολο, Βραζιλία.- マイリンケ、サンパウロ、ブラジルでの活動を懸垂下降。

Καταρρίχηση δραστηριότητα στην Mairinque, Σάο Πάολο, Βραζιλία.


Abseiling aktivnost u Mairinque, São Paulo, Brazil. - Descente en rappel activité dans Mairinque, São Paulo, au Brésil.

Descente en rappel activité dans Mairinque, São Paulo, au Brésil.

Abseiling aktivnost u Mairinque, São Paulo, Brazil.

Discesa in corda doppia attività in Mairinque, São Paulo, Brasile. - Спуск деятельность в Mairinque, Сан-Паулу, Бразилия.

Discesa in corda doppia attività in Mairinque, São Paulo, Brasile.
Спуск деятельность в Mairinque, Сан-Паулу, Бразилия.

Missão Mico Leão Dourado V - Rapel Mairinque - Mission Golden Lion Tamarin V - Rapel Mairinque

Atividade de rapel em Mairinque, São Paulo, Brasil.
Abseiling activity in Mairinque, São Paulo, Brazil.

sexta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2013


O rapel é uma prática que consiste em utilizar técnicas verticais para vencer obstáculos naturais como penhascos e paredões.

A atividade do rapel requer do praticante muita técnica e nervos de aço, uma vez que a descida muitas vezes acontece de picos altíssimos o que eleva ao extremo a adrenalina do aventureiro.

No Brasil o estado do Rio de Janeiro é pioneiro desde 1971 nas instituições públicas, transformando simples descidas em grandes salvamentos e intervenções.

O rapel já virou moda no Brasil. Trata-se de uma modalidade já consolidada no país, por isso existem milhares de praticantes e muitos picos para a sua prática. Caconde (SP), Chapada Diamantina (BA), Serra do Cipó (MG) e Natal (RN) são apenas alguns dos locais que oferecem oportunidades inesquecíveis para a prática da aventura.

A simples atividade de descida, "fazer rapel", não torna o praticante um conhecedor da técnica ou esporte mesmo tendo horas de experiência. É preciso saber muitas técnicas para a pessoa se tornar um profissional: Ancoragens; passagens de fracionamentos, nós e desvios; técnicas de subida com a utilização de equipamentos "blocantes"; técnicas de salvamento; utilização dos cabos "de segurança"; técnicas de travessia de rios, entre outras.

Com o aumento do número de praticantes, atitudes INSEGURAS vêm ocorrendo cada vez com mais frequência denegrindo o verdadeiro significado desses esportes.

É importante para o desenvolvimento correto dessas atividades, uma maior conscientização por parte dos praticantes e a exigência de certificados de segurança e técnicas referente a atividade.


The rappel is a practice of using vertical techniques to overcome natural obstacles such as cliffs and walls.

The activity of rappelling requires the practitioner a lot of technique and nerves of steel, since the descent often happens peaks towering bringing the extreme adrenaline of the adventurer.

Brazil in the state of Rio de Janeiro is a pioneer since 1971 in public institutions, transforming simple downhill on big bailouts and interventions.
The rappel have become fashionable in Brazil. It is a form already established in the country, so there are thousands of practitioners and many peaks to your practice. Caconde (SP), Chapada Diamantina (BA), Serra do Cipo (MG) and Natal (RN) are just some of the places that offer unforgettable opportunities for the practice of adventure.
The simple activity of descent, "rappel", does not make a knowledgeable practitioner of the art or sport even after hours of experience. You need to know many techniques to become a professional person: Anchors; passages fractionation, we and deviations; techniques to increase the use of equipment "blocantes"; rescue techniques, use of cables "security"; crossing techniques rivers, among others.

With the increasing number of practitioners, attitudes UNSAFE been occurring with increasing frequency denigrating the true meaning of these sports.
It is important for the correct development of these activities, a greater awareness on the part of practitioners and the requirement of security certificates and techniques related activity.

19 OCTOBER 2003 - MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA was beatified by Pope John Paul II.


Mother Teresa was not of Indian origin as many think, she was born in Albania.

She was born in a country of predominantly Muslim country and lived in a predominantly Indian, being Catholic, working to the point that getting the Nobel Peace Prize

He died in 1997 at age 87 of a heart attack when preparing a religious service in memory of Princess Diana of Wales

It is almost impossible to find a picture of Mother Teresa Young. C3% A1

terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013



Serão cortadas peças para confeccionar 2 tripés.
Cada tripé é formado por :
·         1 barra de 2 metros
·         1 barra de 1,80m;
·         1 barra de 1,70m.
Depois cortar uma barra de 3m de bambu para usar como travessão.
Ao final teremos 7 peças de bambu.

Will be cut 2 pieces for making tripods.
Each tripod is formed by:
· 2 m 1 bar
· 1 bar 1.80 m;
· 1 bar 1.70 m.
After cutting a bar 3m bamboo to use as indent.
At the end we will have 7 pieces of bamboo.


Para montar todo o bivaque precisaremos de apenas 5 nós, um carioca, 2 paralelos e quadrados.
Na montagem dos tripés precisaremos apenas do nó paralelo: (ver imagem 1)
·         Coloque as barras uma ao lado da outra paralelamente;
·         Colocar 1º a barra de 1,80m, no meio a barra de 2m e por ultimo a barra de 1,70m;
·         Alinhe os pés das barras;
·         Suba a barra do meio (2m) aproximadamente 40cm
·         Faça o nó paralelo unindo as três barras, tendo como referencia a barra mais curta (1,70m);
·         Mantenha as três barras unidas paralelamente.

To assemble the whole bivouac need only 5 us, a carioca, 2 parallel and square.
For mounting tripods need only node parallel: (see picture 1)
· Place the bars next to each other in parallel;
· Place the 1st bar 1,80 m, in the middle of the bar 2m and finally the bar at 1.70 m;
· Align the feet of the bars;
· Climb the middle bar (2m) approximately 40cm
· Make the node joining the three parallel bars, taking as reference the shorter bar (1.70 m);
· Keep the three parallel bars together.

·         Com cuidado para não abrir o tripé, deitar as duas peças no chão, paralelamente, separados por aproximadamente 3m;
·         Apoiar o travessão cruzando a ponta de cada barra de 2m;
·         Fazer o nó quadrado em cada conexão;

Being careful not to open the tripod, throw the two pieces on the ground, parallel, separated by about 3m;
· Support the bar across the tip of each bar 2m;

· Make a square knot on each connection;


·        Uma pessoa segura no meio do travessão e levanta o abrigo;
·         A segunda pessoa abre os tripés e os equilibra;
·         Amarrar um cordão na base das barras de 2m, sem estica-lo.
·         Manter as barras de 2 metros ligeiramente inclinadas para dentro;
·         Manter as barras de 2 m alinhas;
·         As barras laterais devem ficar entre 30 e 45 graus de inclinação;
·         Fazer buchas para as partes de bambu sem nó, (veja a ultima figura);
·         No final colocar estaca e estirar.

One person holds the middle of the dash and raises the shelter;
· The second person opens the tripods and balances;
· Tie a cord at the base of the bars 2m without stretching it.
· Keep the bars 2 feet angled slightly inwards;
· Keep the bars align m 2;
· The side bars should be between 30 and 45 degrees;
· Making wads parties without bamboo node (see last picture);
· At the end put stake and stretch.


O Lema

O nosso lema é: SEMPRE ALERTA
O que significa que você está sempre preparado, atento, física e mentalmente, para cumprir o dever para com Deus, com a Pátria e com o Próximo.


Saudação escoteira

Os Escoteiros fazem, também, a saudação para cumprimentar autoridades e durante as cerimônias de hasteamento e arriamento da Bandeira Nacional. Quando o Hino Nacional é tocado e não cantado, também, fazemos a saudação escoteira. Quando é tocado e cantado ficamos somente em posição firmes.Todos os portadores do distintivo Escoteiro fazem a saudação, uns aos outros, quando se encontram pela primeira vez no dia. O primeiro a ver o outro é quem toma a iniciativa de saudar, independente do cargo, graduação ou classe.
Na saudação, a posição dos dedos é igual ao sinal escoteiro, mas a mão toca ligeiramente a fronte do lado direito.


Sinal escoteiro

Sinal escoteiro
O sinal escoteiro é feito com os dedos indicador, médio e anular, da mão direita, estendidos e unidos, mantendo-se o polegar sobre o mínimo. Os três dedos estendidos representam as três partes da Promessa Escoteira. Os outros dois, onde o maior se apóia sobre o menor, simbolizam que mesmo os escoteiros mais distantes são unidos, e que o mais forte defende o mais fraco.

segunda-feira, 9 de setembro de 2013


Nada mais são do que um sistema para agilizar as tarefas propostas pelo chefe e diminuir a perda de tempo. São selecionados pelo conselho de patrulha e definidos de comum acordo entre os elementos. São divididos em dois tipos, na sede e no campo. Na sede os encargos são mais sociais, mas sem deixar de escoteiros como secretário. No segundo os encargos são mais mateiros, como cozinheiro.

Na sede

Monitor – É o espelho e quem monitora a Patrulha.
Submonitor – O braço direito do monitor e seu “ ajudante ”.
Almoxarife – É o responsável pelo baú da patrulha (ferramentas, engradado, lonas, barracas, etc).
Secretário – Cuida do histórico da patrulha e suas recordações.
Tesoureiro – É o responsável pelo cofre da patrulha.
Administrador – É responsável pelos gastos da patrulha.
Bibliotecário – Cuida da biblioteca da patrulha.
Recreacionista - Faz atividades para a patrulha. (quando há patrulha livre ou um outro acampamento)

No campo
Além do monitor, submonitor e almoxarife, também há:
Intendente – Sempre mantém as coisas organizadas.
Cozinheiro – Faz a comida.
Auxiliar de cozinha – ajuda o cozinheiro
Sanitarista – É responsável pela limpeza do banheiro (ou latrina).
Aguadeiro – Cuida da água quando precisa. (busca, traz, ver se esta limpa, etc).
Enfermeiro – Cuida da saúde de seus companheiros.


A Tropa Sênior/Guia é o ramo escoteiro em que ficam os jovens de 15 a 17 anos de idade de ambos os sexos. O programa educativo e as etapas do sênior e da guia visam aumentar os conhecimentos e treinamento para o desenvolvimento físico, moral, intelectual, espiritual e social. é introduzido valores de vida, autodomínio, coragem, amizade, respeito e autoconfiança suficiente para enfrentar qualquer situação. 

A Tropa Sênior (masculina), Tropa Guia (feminina) ou Tropa Sênior Mista é dividida em no máximo 4 patrulhas de 4 a 6 jovens. Cada patrulha adota um nome característico, que pode ser o de algum acidente geográfico bem conhecido pela patrulha ou de uma tribo indígena nacional. é facultado às patrulhas que até 30 de abril de 1990 tenham adotado nome de um grande vulto ou personalidade histórica nacional, conservar o nome adotado. 

Nos trabalhos e atividades que, por sua natureza, exijam interesses, habilidades ou conhecimentos avançados, as patrulhas poderão ceder lugar a equipes de trabalho, integradas por membros de diferentes patrulhas, cabendo a coordenação de cada equipe ao seu integrante melhor qualificado. 

Na Tropa Sênior/Guia ficam os jovens numa idade de muitas mudanças, idéias e ideais novos, valores que estão mudando. Nessa tropa, o relacionamento entre a chefia e os membros é bastante distante da Tropa Escoteira, pois os membros já têm uma maturidade suficiente para seguir seus próprios caminhos sendo auxiliados pelos chefes. A Tropa Sênior/Guia normalmente é a que exige um maior esforço físico e um alto grau de conhecimento, o que permite os jovens evoluírem muito. Todos que um dia passaram pela Tropa Sênior/Guia sabem o valor que essa tem e o quanto essa fase foi boa e importante para seu crescimento na vida. Para quem ainda não chegou lá, boa sorte e aproveitem muito se tiverem a oportunidade! 

Antes de completar 18 anos de idade, o sênior ou a guia é encaminhado para o Clã Pioneiro, depois de passar pela "ponte" para se adaptar na futura tropa, o jovem passa por uma cerimônia de passagem na qual se despede da Tropa Sênior/Guia. 
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