In the dead of night on Tuesday ( 10 ) , President of the Chamber of Deputies , Henrique Eduardo Alves ( PMDB - RN ) , honored , as was to be expected , their commitments with the caucus . Around 21h , he instituted the Special Committee that will examine the PEC 215 , which transfers the Executive proposal to Congress the prerogative to define the demarcation of indigenous lands .
Even after protests entitled to occupation of the plenary of the House by indigenous leaders , mobilizing social networks and the report submitted by the Working Group set up to try an agreement on the issue , which suggests the rejection of the proposal , the deputy still showed which holds the presidency of the House to give in to the vested interests of the latest installment of the national economy .
With the approval of the proposal to mend the Constitution , the power of the lobby rural caucus in Congress that will never be demarcate indigenous land in the country . Much of agribusiness , dominated by a group of large landowners with strong political influence , wants to turn all remaining forested land in more soy fields and cattle pasture . As if that were not enough thousands of acres of land cleared and abandoned that exist today .
The first session of the Commission is scheduled for September 18 . On occasion will be chosen the chair and rapporteur . Henrique Alves made a call yesterday that " the committee does not become a battlefield ." But the battlefield was already installed when the caucus began attacks on traditional people with a package of legislative proposals that derive their rights guaranteed by law .
If the representatives of agribusiness leaving winners in this battle came as the Forest Code , are not only the Indians who will lose , but the Brazilian society . When it hurts to the Constitution aimed blows , it hurts democracy . And this concerns every one of us , ensuring our rights as citizens . Furthermore , the Brazilians will lose what remains of native forest in the country today has the highest biodiversity in the world . It is a destination no return .
If you are against this devastating scenario , the sign of the Zero Deforestation Law .
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