quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2013

Brazil in the twentieth century: The challenge of education

Brazil in the twentieth century : The challenge of education
Historical Context

first Republic

The 1891 constitution was created along with the federal government representative , the consequent fall of the monarchy in 1889 , it states now have autonomy.
This republic was renamed the Republic of coffee and colonels , where few had the power , it prevailed because the interest of coffee farmers and ranchers .
After the First World War , began to rise to the urban bourgeoisie , through industrialization that caused Brazil to become less dependent on other countries . At the same time came the bourgeois unions had emerged anarchist ideologies , these unions were created by immigrant workers from industries .
The strikes were abundant in the 20s and in 1927 the government was overthrown by a guerrilla group called " Prestes Column ," Luis Carlos Prestes doing so become a communist leader .
In 1929 occurs the coffee crisis , which was a result of the stock market crash of New York , this provoked a reaction from growth in domestic market and declining exports , creating greater opportunities for Brazilian industries , it displeased the coreneis rural resulting in revolution 30 . Getulio Vargas takes advantage of this moment to become head of the provisional government .
Getulio Vargas was named protector of workers and the poor father , but he takes control of the unions .

second Republic

After World War II , begins the Second Republic , extends Desda Getulio output in 1945 until the military coup of 1964.
Populism arises with the growth of the urban popular classes , resulting from industrialization. The populist government on the one hand recognizes the needs of the people , on the other hand sought to manipulate and direct these desires . This trend is present since 1930 and during the Estado Novo , with the performance of Getulio .
When Vargas returns to rule , from 1951 to 1954 , establishes the state oil monopoly with the creation of Petrobras .
In the postwar period the economic and cultural invasion America and the Juscelino Kubitschek the industries multinacionas , definitely come in Brazil .

The Military Dictatorship

With the military coup of 1964 , it destroyed the rule of law , two other political parties are created , manipulated by power.
With the hardening regime political demonstrations are contained . National security justify all kinds of repression , since censoring to torture , exile and murder.
In economics , emphasizes the process of denationalization , and subsequent linkage to international capitalism .
Since 1978 the popular movements will demand political openness and return to a state of legality. The campaigns of direct - call now , for direct elections , fills the squares in the country .

new Republic

In 1985 the military government ends and begins the New Republic , having elected Tancredo Neves , who died tragically ceding his post to José Sarney became the first civilian president since 1964 .
A succession of several stabilization plans , including how to change the currency and price freeze . Growing poverty, violence in the countryside and in the city .
In 1988 , it created a new constitution , after numerous difficulties in preparation .
Fernando Collor was the first civilian president elected by the people , being in government for only two years , from 1990 to 1992 , is accused in corruption scandals culminating with his impachment .
In 1995 , we achieved the record for the highest concentration of wealth in the world and also the increase in corruption .

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