Introduction to Educational Thought Brazilian
The Brazilian pedagogical thought begins to have autonomy only with the development of theories of the New School .
In the late twentieth century , our pedagogical thinking reproduced the medieval religious thought .
The creation of the Association of Education ( ABE ) , in 1924 , was the result of the liberal project of education as a major pedagogical optimism .
By the end of the Empire is in two brilliant and erudite opinions RUI BARBOSA (1849-1924) : the first on the secondary and higher education and the second on primary education , presented to Parliament in 1882 and 1883.
Education was also constant interest of the anarchist movement in Brazil in the beginning of this century . The pedagogical thinking was mainly libertarian educator MARIA DE Moura Lacerda (1887-1944) , mainly fighting illiteracy .
Lessons in the Pedagogy I ( 1925) , Maria Lacerda de Moura has proposed an education that includes physical education , education of the senses and the study of physical growth .
Comparing in Binet Claparede and Montessori stated that , besides the numeracy , reading , language, homeland and history would be necessary to stimulate associations awaken the inner life of the child so that there was a self - education.
In 1930 , the urban-industrial bourgeoisie came to power and features a new educational project . The manifesto of the pioneers of new education , signed by 27 teachers in 1938 , was the first major political and doctrinal result of 10 years of struggle ABE in favor of a National Education Plan . There was a great event in the 30s to educational theory was the foundation in 1938 , the National Institute of Pedagogical Studies ( Inep ) realized an old dream of Benjamin Constat he had created in 1890 and in 1944 the Pedagogium Inep begins publishing Brazilian Journal of Studies in Education .
The major theorists of this period were , without a doubt Fernando de Azevedo (1894-1974) , LOUREÇO SON (1897-1970) , Anísio SPINOLA TEIXEIRA (1900-1971) , ROQUE SPENCER Maciel de Barros ( 1927) .
Catholics and liberal groups represent different historical currents opposing , but not antagonistic , the first to print to education spiritual content and the latter in a more democratic .
Only progressive pedagogical thinking , from the reflections of Pascoal Lemme , Álvaro Vieira Pinto and Paulo Freire , that raises the question of radical transformation of society and the role of education in this transformation .
In 1948 , the Minister Clemente Mariani sent to Congress a bill of Guidelines and Bases of National Education
After the dictatorship of Getulio Vargas (1937-1945) , opens a period of democratization in the country that is brutally interrupted by a military coup in 1964. In this short time got new impetus , distinguished by two major movements : the movement for popular education and the movement in defense of public education .
The major contribution of Paulo Freire gave up the field of literacy for youth and adults , as research participants and methods of teaching . His method of formation of critical consciousness passes through three stages are : stage of research, stage and theming stage problematizarão . The ultimate goal of the method is awareness.
Carlos Rodrigues Brandão ( 1940) , author of learning and teaching (1984 ) , anthropologist, popular educator , in the wake of Paulo Freire developed the concept of popular education and participatory research clearly distinguishing the different educations .
Florestan Fernandes taught at the faculty of social sciences USP until 1969 , historical defender of public schools popped up in the 50s and early 60s, against conservatives who wanted to print the law Guidelines National Education .
The democratic conception of education has received in Brazil and Latin America , the significant contribution of Benno Sander , Peter and Walter Garcia Demo .
Ruben Alves also needs to be mentioned as an educator of great influence on young Brazilian educators , their main categories of his pedagogical theory are pleased , speech, body language, awakening and action.
Antonio Muniz Rezende (1928 ) was a professor of the graduate program in philosophy of education from Unicamp and director of the School of Education , wrote his works between Phenomenological Conception of Education ( 1990) , for it is essentially education and discourse phenomena .
The critique of the capitalist school was particularly developed by Mauricio Tragtenberg , Marilena Chauí Barbara Freitag and Luis Antonio Cunha . Two educators were distinguished during this period for developing high impact project : Darcy Ribeiro , who created the University of Brasilia in 1961 and between 82 and 86 , developed the design Cieps ( integrated public education centers ) in the state of Rio de Janeiro .
In the early 90s, the pedagogical discourse was enriched by the discussion of education and culture , topics such as cultural diversity , ethnic and gender differences , began to gain traction in the Brazilian pedagogical thought and universal.
Educators and theorists of liberal education advocate freedom of education , thought and research , new methods based on the nature of the child . They say the state should intervene minium possible the life of every individual citizen .
Already in progressive education , educators and theorists advocate the involvement of the school in the formation of a critical citizen and participant in social change . For the formation of a critical consciousness involves the assimilation of knowledge prepared for other technical knowledge - scientific horizon must have a political commitment .
The Brazilian pedagogical thought is very rich and is in motion and try to narrow it down to closed schemes would be a way to hide this wealth and this dynamic
Part One
The Brazilian Liberal Thinking Pedagogical
The Liberal Project
Educator , sociologist and humanist Brazilian Fernando de Azevedo was born in São Gonçalo do Sapucai , Minas Gerais, and died in São Paulo . He was professor of sociology at the University of São Paulo , where he was director . Member of several scientific associations , foreign and Brazilian , Fernando de Azevedo served as an expert for UNESCO Education in America Latina.Em 1967 he was elected a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters .
Main works: Public education in São Paulo , education and its problems , Brazilian Culture and Education between two worlds .
National Education Program
Establishing a comprehensive system of education, the new economic and social policies of modern civilization and the following general principles : education is considered in all its degrees as a social function I mainly public service that the State is called upon to perform with the cooperative of all social institutions lies with the federal states organize , fund and deliver instruction in all grades in accordance with the principles and general rules laid down in the constitution and ordinary laws by the union , the school system should be established on the basis of comprehensive education , one for all and lay , with primary education free and compulsory ; teaching should aim gradually to mandatory gratuity under 18 and in all grades .
Organization of school ( 6 years ) in flexible type of clear social purpose , as a school for the people .
The sections of expertise to the activities of intellectual preference ( humanities and sciences ) or preponderance manual and mechanical ( a technical course ) .
Professional development of technical education in secondary and higher education , as the basis of the national economy , with a variety of types of schools : agriculture and fishing mining ( extraction of raw materials ), industrial and professional ( preparation of raw materials ) , transport and trade ( distribution of products produced ) , and second method are guidelines that can form capable technicians and workers at all levels of the industrial hierarchy .
Creating university so organized and planed them to act according to them threefold is essential to establish or create science, teacher training for primary , secondary, vocational and higher , the vulgarization or popularizing scientific , literary and artistic by all means university extension .
Reform School
Bergstrom Manoel Lourenço Filho ( 1897-1970 ) . Born in São Paulo and died in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 commissioned the director of public instruction and carried out a reform of general education , at the request of the government of Ceará , one of the first to introduce the new school in the country . In 1927 he founded the National High School Rio Branco , where he organized and directed the experimental school , attended the Education Society and the Institute for Rational Organization of Labor.
For new school is meant a set of doctrines and principles , the fundamentals of the purpose of education , the foundation of the application of science to educativa.Do technical point of view the purpose of education, the New School believes that the school should be organ reinforcement and coordination of all educational activities in the community. Education is the socialization of children . From the political point of view , the school aims and peace only by the school . Philosophical point of view , more generally admits the bases of neovitalismo and neo - spiritualism .
A New Philosophy of Education
The ideas Teixeira (1900-1971) Influenced all sectors of education in the educational system in Latin America .
Teixeira was born in Caieté ( BA ) , was in the United States researching school education in these countries and majored in education at Columbia University . His main works were : Public education: organization and administration (1935 ) , Education is not a privilege (1956 ) , Education is a Right (1967 ) and Small introduction to philosophy of education .
Philosophy and Education
The philosophy of a group fighting courageously to live is not the same as others whose transcorrem facilities in a quiet and rich abundance . Conforms to the type of experience each, will be the philosophy of each.
Philosophy is reflected in education and education alone is worthy of the name when it is covered a broad philosophical view .
The philosophical method is experimental in the sense that the solutions proposed hypotheses will be subject to confirmation of the consequences . The school has to listen to all and serve all , will test its flexibility , intelligence of their organization and their servers .
The System Reform .
Roque Spencer Maciel de Barros , born in 1927 in São Paulo where he did primary and secondary education . He studied philosophy at the University of São Paulo , was a professor of philosophy and history and writes for the newspaper Estado de São Paulo .
Main works: Guidelines and bases for national education and illustration Brazilian and the idea of the university in 1956 .
Guidelines and Bases of National Education .
Thanks to him the problem of education is no longer a concern restricted circle of specialists to meet in full the concerns of the Brazilian taste . Only this outlet the popular consciousness in relation to pedagogical issues justify the advocacy campaign of public school . The country is industrializing the people freed from the pressures of warlordism that smothered the manifestations of his will and demands , each time with more force the realization of their rights .
To Brazil again, the school can no longer be thought of as a luxury , an enjoyment which would be excluded from half of education , not to exclude or condemn private educational initiative . Every serious and honest effort in education since inspired the philosophy and liberal democratic constitution that condemns religious discrimination , political, philosophical , and prejudices of race and class must be received with open arms by new Brazil .
Part Two
The Brazilian Educational Progressive Thought
X Education Policy Statement
Paschoal Lemme (1904 ) , was born in Rio de Janeiro , collaborated between 1927 and 1930 in the Administration Fernando de Azevedo , in rio de janeiro , educational project in the city . In 1931 and 1935 he also worked with Teixeira and Lourenço Filho in the direction of Public Instruction in the state .
Main works: Education in the USSR (1956 ) , Problems of education in Brazil (1959 ) , democratic and progressive Education (1961 ) and Memories (1988 ) .
On Education Policy
It is one that makes the individual passes to understand the structure of the society they live in , this awareness in relation to social problems, which is education policy does not match or is facilitated by the fact that the individual have the opportunity to acquire education is why we find even among illiterate people more politically enlightened .
Educating the individual is politically revealing the truth about the contest social lives and their position in it , so that truth carries around mobilizing power that only has the truth .
The lack of political education also leads many unsuspecting administrators to commit to plans outlandish literacy , which become demagogic , defaulters of existing funds . Much more important is to mobilize the millions of illiterates the right to vote , that will overthrow the oppressive powers and march for a more just social organization
The Anthropological Character Education
Born in Rio de Janeiro , Álvaro Vieira Pinto (1909-1987) , graduated in medicine and was self-taught in the field of philosophy . The pedagogical thought Vieira Pinto assume that education implies a change in personality and that is why it is so easy to learn .
Main works: Consciousness and national reality , ideology and national development , the issue of the University , Seven lessons on adult education ( in 1982 ) , Science and existence.
Historical and anthropological character of Education .
Education is a process , so is the course of a phenomenon ( the formation of man ) in time , it is a historical fact . Education is an existential fact , for himself and for the actions esteriores suffering man , education is a social fact , refers to society as a whole is determined by the interest that moves the community to integrate all its members .
In highly developed societies , with internal divisions in opposing classes , education can not consist of uniform training of all its members , because on one side is the excessive number of data to be transmitted on the other hand , there is no interest or ability to form equal individuals , but it seeks to maintain social inequality present. In such societies , education is always literate by knowing privilege of a group or class .
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Paulo Freire (1921 ) was born in Recife , state of Pernambuco , was professor of Portuguese 41-47 , when he graduated in law at the University of Recife .
Every NHS work is geared towards a theory of knowledge applied to education , sustained by a dialectic in which teacher and student learn together in a dynamic relationship in which the practice , theory-guided , reorients this theory in a process of constant improvement.
Paulo Freire is considered one of the greatest teachers of this century .
His major work , " Pedagogy of the Oppressed " was far translated into 18 languages .
The Joy School
Rubens Alves (1933 ) , was born in Minas Gerais . Became religious and lover of music in the city of Rio de Janeiro , before his masters in New York was a seminarian and pastor in Lavras in the state of Minas Gerais.
During his life he wrote several works and two that stood out were : Conversations with those who like to teach and Story who enjoys teaching .
The School Fragment of the Future
It is with pleasure that comes discipline and willingness to learn , just when the joy is absent that threat is needed . Our schools should remove the leftover of vestibular sinister .
The Libertarian Education
One of the few current anarchist thinkers concerned with school , Mauricio Tragtenberg today represents an important current of political thought and action pedagogical , whose roots are in Brakunin , Kropotikin , Malatesta and Lobrot .
The proposed Tragtenberg show the possibilities of organizing struggles of the subaltern classes and political participation in the undertaking and school aimed at retraining workers themselves in general and workers in education.
Main works: Administration , Power and Ideology (1980 ) , Sobra Education , Politics and Ideology ( 1982), Bureaucracy and Ideology (1974 )
Power Relations in School
Teachers , students , employees , directors , advisors . The relationships between all these characters in the school reproduce on a smaller scale , the rde of relationships that exist in society .
Discipline : Inheritance of the Prison
The areas of learning are formed from practices based disciplinary policies in effect , means keeping a look under the student permanent record and account for all the observations and notes of the student through individual evaluation reports , uniform model , for example , see establishing rigorous skills ratings .
Unit is in basic school teacher who judges by the student notes , participates in class councils , where the target student is dismissed , defining the program of courses within the prescribed limits and prepares the system for tests and exams .
In teacher / student relationship , face two kinds of knowledge, knowing unfinished teacher and ignorance concerning the student . The ability to link knowledge and power in the school plan , is to create organizational structures horizontal where teachers , students and staff form a real community .
The Specificity of Teaching Practice .
Graduated in philosophy, Dermeval Saviane (1944 ) is a professor of higher education since 1967 . now teaches philosophy of education at the master's and doctorate from the University of meadows . Saviane believes to be philosophical reflection , become necessary to fulfill three basic requirements : radicalism ( in-depth ) , accuracy ( certain methods ) and whole ( contest in which it operates ) .
Main works: Brazilian Education - Structure and System (1973 ) , Education - The commonsense philosophical consciousness (1980 ) , School and Democracy (1983 ) .
Eleven Theses on Politics and Education
The political importance of education lies in its socializing function of knowledge , can be synthesized and sorted through the following theses :
1 There is no identity between education and politics .
2nd All educational practice inevitably contains a political dimension .
Every 3rd practice policy also contains , in turn , inevitably an educational dimension .
4 The explanation of the political dimension of educational practice is subject to clarification of the specialty of educational practice .
5 The explanation of the educational dimension of practical politics is in turn conditioned will explicitness specialty practice of politics.
6 The specificity of educational practice is defined by the character of a relationship that is waged between opposing non- antagonistic .
7 The specificity of practice policy is defined by the character of a relationship that rages between antagonistic opposites .
8 The relationship between education and politics are given in the form of relative autonomy and interdependence .
9 The class societies are characterized by the primacy of politics , which determines the real subordination of education to practice politics.
Overcome 10th class society ceases the primacy of politics and consciousness, the subordination of education .
11 The political function of education is fulfilled to the extent that it takes place while specifically pedagogical practice
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